This application allows users to search for a city name, and check the weather forecast. This project uses the metaweather API to first search for the location id- called where on earth (woeid) id. If the city is recognized by the API, it returns the woeid, which is then used to make a second call to the same API, and fetch real-time weather. The application shows the current forecast, and also for the next 5 days. Additionally, this app also allows users to view data in either degree Fahrenheit or degree Celcius units.
Project Learnings
My key takeaway was developing an understanding of React components, maintaining multiple states and hooks. Being my first large react project, I learned about organizing and structuring files in a react project. I also got an opportunity to understand how fetching data works in React.
Project Challenges
- Figuring the number of components and states that were required for the application was a major challenge.
- Fetching data in a React application was another challenge. The next challenge was immediately fetching weather data when location id was available.
- Updating a child component whenever the state of parent component was changed.
- A final challenge was deciding which values were to be passed as props from a parent to a child component.