My to-do list allows users to add, edit, delete and set tasks for the day. Additionally, users can also choose to complete the tasks by clicking the icon. As a design feature, users can toggle between light and dark modes as well. Other functionality includes- filtering and clearing to-dos from the list. The to-do list items are stored so that users don't lose out on their tasks and progress!
Project Learnings
The major takeaway from this project was splitting the problems into sub-problems. And using the subproblems to build a complete, working to-do list from all the components. Event delegation was another concept I got to learn and use in this project. Managing, adding, clearing local storage was learning.
Project Challenges
- Designing the overall application was incredibly challenging. Taking into account responsiveness across all devices was one of the major goals for this project.
- Editing a previously added to-do item was another challenge. More so, to change the same to-do item from the local storage as well.