Inscribe- Notes App

Inscribe is a simple, and easy-to-use notes app that allows users to pen down their thoughts, information, and musings. Using this app, users can create notes with markdown, update or delete an existing note. Users can also archive a note. A archived or deleted note can be restored or additionaly a trashed note could be deleted forever. To their notes, users can add labels, priorities, and also change background colors of their notes. Other features include sorting, searching, filter and a profile page with simple note statistics.

Inscribe Notes app image

Tech Stack

Project Learnings

Using React Portals was a new learning. Using markdown and HTML parser to display the notes was also a major takeaway.

Project Challenges

  • Sorting notes based on 2 different preferences- priority, date- and displaying was a challenge.
  • Adding labels to and removing labels from notes. Real time updation of creating a new label on a note, simultaneously displaying it on the list of labels in the sidebar.